I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.

「I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.」は以下のように説明できます。 二つ目のテキスト「I just hope it…

This is Leene Square. Legend has it that people who hear Leene’s Bell live happily ever after.

「This is Leene Square. Legend has it that people who hear Leene’s Bell live happily ever after.」は次のように説明…

Today is the one thousandth anniversary of our kingdom’s foundation. Enjoy the festivities! I surely would if I were your age!

「Today is the one thousandth anniversary of our kingdom’s foundation. Enjoy the festivities! I surely wo…

That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lifetime.

「That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lifetime.」の解説は以…



Something tells me I’m as happy now as I’ll ever be.

「Something tells me I'm as happy now as I'll ever be.」は以下のようになります。"Something tells me" は感覚や直感に基

AWS LambdaでGo1.xランタイムからAmazon Linux 2へスムーズに移行する方法

Introduction:Briefly introduce AWS Lambda and the significance of runtime envi

a table topped with lots of cups of coffee

Poetryと依存関係の問題: 問題点、原因、対処方法


a group of different shapes and sizes of rocks



a person swimming in the ocean with a lot of fish

AWS SAM CLIでPython 3.11のビルドエラーを解決する方法

はじめにAWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) は、サーバーレスアプリケーションの開発を容易にするフレームワークです。しかし、